KALEIDOSCOPE 2018 PARTNER OVERVIEW DATA VERACITY Partner Name DEMOS: Internet of Things: In a world where everything is connected, Qlik Scaling Data Science: The Qlik platform surfaces AI to scale across the analysts are continually increasing their estimates for how many organisation. Several examples of this will be shown as part billion devices will be connected by 2020. The enormous amounts of of this demo. data which comes from this requires imaginative approaches to analytics. Our interactive bike demo is an example of using “analytics BENEFITS: at the edge” & “containerisation” to make IoT successful. Customers can scale the value of the data scientist across the BENEFITS: organisation through Qlik’s intuitive insights, without needing full-time data scientist expertise to communicate outputs. IoT analytics unlock the potential of your IoT data. Big Data & Scale: Big Data and rapid adoption are becoming the norm Cyber Security: Accenture have created IP on top of the Qlik platform for customers who are mature on their digital transformation journey. to deliver a cyber security analytics service to enterprise organisations. The interactive bike demo is a fun way to explore some of the key Two of the Apps will be available to see on the stand – infrastructure considerations. vulnerability & phishing. BENEFITS: BENEFITS: The Qlik Analytics Platform is an agile, governed environment that is This reusable proposition provides a “single pane of glass” through ready to scale. It fosters a culture of data exploration, where people are which an organisation can make sense of the myriad of security encouraged to experiment with ideas. related data within the enterprise. 32