Trend 3 HUMAN+ WORKER #TECHVISION2019 As companies continue to innovate and push into Technology innovation combined with increasing The bottom line for companies? Adapt the new areas of the market, they will necessarily create employee velocity has created an ever-expanding technology strategies that successfully created this new jobs and new roles immersed in technology. Not number of potential paths for workers to explore. But next-generation worker to empower them even only is every job today becoming a human+ role, but that also means an increasing number of career paths further. Through AI, extended reality (XR) and every new role that is created in the future will be for businesses to identify, manage, and support—and sentiment analysis, companies can propel their human+ from the start. so far, companies have not kept up. Talent-finding workforce forward, blazing a trail for the company’s strategies are out of sync with the capabilities of continued growth. In concert with this human+ shift, people are moving human+ workers, and investments in learning and more rapidly between companies. The median years reskilling are far short of where they need to be for the The human+ worker will build the pathway to the next of tenure with a US wage or salary worker’s current high rate of employee transitions to different roles or big wave of innovation. How will your technology 7 employer dropped from 4.6 in 2012 to 4.2 in 2016. companies. Knowledge management and access strategy empower them to get you there? Among those between the ages of 25 and 34, the strategies haven’t kept pace either: more information median tenure with one company is now less than is available than ever for both workers and three years. organizations, but it has become harder to find as people move fluidly between roles. 47 47 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US