Trend 3 HUMAN+ WORKER #TECHVISION2019 OPTIMIZING THE WORKFORCE MIX The speed and constantly changing nature of And, of course, with the rapid pace of technological change, it is a challenge to human+ career journeys are making it harder for know which skills to target in the first place. Companies’ needed technology skills are in constant flux, yet most still approach talent-finding as they did in companies to add specific skills to their workforce the era of stable career paths. But savvy businesses are finding new ways to through traditional hiring approaches� Top balance their workforce mix, both externally and internally. candidates are off the job market within 10 days, Outwardly, companies are rethinking the way they hire, using technology to and a slow hiring process can lead to a new assess candidates based on capabilities and potential—an approach that is better suited to the adaptability of the human+ worker. Leaders are already employee whose primary skills are no longer a using this as an advantage, moving away from solely reactive skills-based good match by the time a role is filled.8 hiring and looking toward an optimized mix of people. 48 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US