Trend 3 HUMAN+ WORKER #TECHVISION2019 DECISION POINTS How are you • Does your company keep track of the roles open access to on-demand training and (where industrializing employees are working toward in their career? applicable) opportunities for XR-driven experiential 3 learning. workers’ transitions • Critically examine your company culture as it between roles, and relates to training. Does it encourage self-directed • Regularly evaluate your training practices by learning? Do company processes and policies back surveying employee opinion: do employees feel enabling them with this up? (For example, are workers allotted time for that they have the resources and support needed the skills they need training/learning, or are they expected to pursue to learn new skills? Look for ways to use machine learning on their own time?) learning solutions to gauge employee sentiment on to succeed? an ongoing basis. Create an open dialogue to • Create a training plan that supports frequent ensure transparency about what is collected and transitions between roles. This should include both how it’s being used. Can your knowledge • Consider how much your company’s store of • Explore platforms that use natural language management institutional and industry knowledge relies on processing to collect and store information from 4 individual workers. If high employee velocity could workers, and knowledge graph solutions that can strategy withstand mean losing valuable information, it’s time to gather information in a way that models a human high employee revamp your company’s approach to knowledge expert’s knowledge and share it back. turnover? management. 58 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US