Trend 1 DARQ POWER #T#TEECCHHVVIISSIIOONN22001199 GAINING COMBINATORIAL EFFECTS As businesses explore new capabilities, some of All four DARQ technologies are, or will be, the DARQ technologies will be more immediately powerful on their own. But as they advance, they will push each other forward relevant than others� When asked to rank the further. Already, early pairings reveal technologies, forty-one percent of business and game-changing combinatorial effects. IT leaders report that AI will have the greatest The blend of AI and XR, for instance, is impact on their organizations over the next three helping to solve one of the biggest barriers to widespread impact for years, while 19 percent say their greatest impact immersive experiences: VR sickness. during the same timeframe will come from Businesses have identified numerous potential applications of XR—like virtual distributed ledgers� But to use the technologies training, “hands-on” education, or even to their greatest potential—now and when all four realistic online shopping—but have been stymied by the symptoms of motion 17 have matured—businesses need to think about sickness that many VR users experience. the value in combining them� To address this, LG Display is partnering with Sogang University in South Korea, where researchers are using a deep 23 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US