Trend 1 DARQ POWER #TECHVISION2019 DARQ technologies and some of the capabilities they enable ARTIFICIAL Automate business making their quantum systems available for INTELLIGENCE functions experimentation via APIs and software development 11 kits (SDKs, or QDKs). These offerings give companies a way to develop and test quantum solutions for Scan unprecedented specific enterprise use cases today. amounts of data Volkswagen has used quantum computing to test DISTRIBUTED LEDGER traffic flow optimization, as well as to simulate the TECHNOLOGY D Make the benefits of chemical structure of batteries, hoping to accelerate analytics more 12,13 Transact without middlemen widely available battery development. The company teamed with or trusted third parties 14 Nvidia to add AI capabilities to future models. DARQ Volkswagen is also testing distributed ledgers with an Large-scale collaboration Q eye to protecting cars from hackers, facilitating and transaction Businesses have the automatic payments at gas stations, creating tamper- among strangers capabilities to build REALITY (VIRTUAL, immersive and AUGMENTED, 15 intelligent worlds. A proof odometers, and more. And the carmaker ASSISTED, ETC) provides step-by-step augmented reality instructions Self-executing 16 to help service employees repair vehicles. smart contracts Companies like Volkswagen with early-stage tests and R New, immersive environments pilots are gaining expertise, forming key partnerships, and building up DARQ capabilities. As the On-demand and technologies mature, this experience will provide the QUANTUM hands free COMPUTING information tools to weave together solutions creatively and strategically—to solve new kinds of problems or attack existing problems in new ways. Solve problems intractable with today’s Discover new drugs computers and materials Transform global cybersecurity 2222 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US