Trend 3 HUMAN+ WORKER #TECHVISION2019 The good news? Human+ workers are willing and able culture of continuous learning and skills transformation. now using VR during the development stages of new to learn and adopt new tools quickly. The bad: typical Employees were challenged to devote 40 working vehicles, such that workers can design new cars from 17 organizational training approaches limit resources to hours to self-learning during the year, splitting their anywhere. Companies can use these technologies to employees who have been approved for certain time between the company’s digital learning portal— provide connected face-to-face time for their learning opportunities to fill a specific enterprise need. which features courses from providers like LinkedIn and increasingly distributed workforces, improving human Even with workers overwhelmingly reporting that they Coursera—and other opportunities including classroom touchpoints. require new job skills to remain relevant, just 30 courses and on-the-job training. At the end of the year, percent of non-freelancers report participating in skills- the company found that employees had not only met Another option to pinpoint areas where employee 13 related training in the past six months. Compare that the challenge but far exceeded it, nearly doubling the engagement is needed is to use machine learning with more than 40 percent of millennials who rank time spent on online courses alone. They’ve renewed solutions that provide a more frequent and granular 16 learning and development second only to salary as the the challenge for 2019. read on employee satisfaction. Traditional methods for most important benefit in deciding where to work, and measuring engagement are based on roles that 14 companies are headed for trouble. By incorporating training and learning needs into their progress slowly over time; a once-a-year survey can’t technology strategies, leading businesses are matching capture the real-time insights required to power a Rather than limiting their powerful human+ workers to human+ capabilities and potential with both current and digitally mature workforce. only the skills they need today, leaders are investing in future enterprise skills needs. What’s more, this learning platforms and strategies that better prepare approach drives engagement, ensuring that people FICO, a credit scoring service, found that annual workers—and the company—for tomorrow. PayPal have continuous access to opportunities for learning surveys and the added delays of waiting for results left partnered with Udemy to offer on-demand, self- and growth. Companies should pay special attention to the company with obsolete employee engagement 15 directed video learning to its employees. Not only immersive learning, where extended reality (XR) data. The business switched to smaller, ongoing “pulse does the partnership offer immediate learning technologies are creating myriad new opportunities, surveys” to gauge satisfaction—automated and 18 opportunities, it also provides PayPal with better insight and artificial intelligence enables new levels of analyzed with AI to provide fluid insights. Using this into the skills its workers want to target and how best to personalization. approach, FICO saw an 11 percent increase in worker meet those needs. As employees browse through and engagement and a reduction in unwanted attrition for engage with Udemy’s curated videos, PayPal gets in- This XR approach can also bridge the gap between the five consecutive quarters. depth, backend analytics about which topics get the company and the human+ worker in terms of day-to- most interest and which materials are most successful. day management and engagement strategies. Augmented and virtual reality have made remote work Going into 2018, Telenor Group wanted to foster a possible in positions like design and analysis; BMW is 5252 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US