WHERE’S THE LINE? #TECHVISION2019 Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 “ I am concerned about my privacy “Personalization is helpful, but I “ Personalization always adds value and prefer very little personalization” still weigh it against my privacy” to my digital experiences” Personalized playlists help me expand my musical Personalized playlists help me expand my Personalized playlists help me expand my musical x horizons x musical horizons horizons My navigation app works with my calendar and the My navigation app works with my calendar and My navigation app works with my calendar and the x location services on my phone to suggest x the location services on my phone to suggest location services on my phone to suggest departure times departure times departure times x My fitness-tracking app only knows my location My fitness-tracking app only knows my My fitness-tracking app only knows my location when the app is open location when the app is open when the app is open x I’m letting this online retailer know this item is a gift I’m letting this online retailer know this I’m letting this online retailer know this item is a gift item is a gift I like it when sites help me understand why I like it when sites help me understand why I like it when sites help me understand why I see certain ads I see certain ads I see certain ads I actively manage the kinds of notifications I actively manage the kinds of notifications I actively manage the kinds of notifications I receive I receive I receive 37 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US