Trend 3 HUMAN+ WORKER #TECHVISION2019 Businesses have not been going through their Oil and gas drillers at Conoco use a data visualization tool based on a gaming 1 digital transformations alone� Today’s workers engine to troubleshoot malfunctions nearly a mile underground in real time. In Siemens’s “Click2Make” automated factory project, an artificial intelligence (AI) are equipped and empowered by technology, reasoning tool uses the known capabilities of both human and robot workers to 2 incorporating it to perform existing roles in assign tasks, enabling people to work seamlessly with machines. In China, e-commerce giant JD offers three-month-long drone classes to train employees new ways and to adapt for new roles that did for jobs as delivery drone pilots, a job that simply did not exist before the digital not exist in the pre-digital era� With every revolution.3 company making major investments in Across industries and organizations, workers are incorporating technology to technology, a renewed focus on the workforce build on their own inherent skills and experience. The workforce is becoming “human+”: each individual is empowered by their skillsets and knowledge plus a will decide the winners from the losers in the new, constantly growing set of capabilities made possible through technology. post-digital age: across industries, it’s the But as the line between employees and the technology they use blurs, a new workforce that will bring the promise of those divide is emerging. The workforce is evolving at a rapid pace, incorporating new investments to life� technology-driven abilities and skills to deliver value for the company—while the enterprise itself is still optimized for the workforce of the past, leaving a disconnect that reaches throughout the organization. Companies have inadvertently created a new digital divide between themselves and the workforce that has helped them to grow. Leaders are endeavoring to close the gap, adapting the technology strategies that successfully created this next-generation workforce to incorporate their new enterprise needs. At Swisscom, employees were struggling to collaborate across siloed teams and distributed knowledge. With the breadth and depth of experience at Switzerland’s leading telecom provider, someone within its 21,000-person 45 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US