Trend 3 HUMAN+ WORKER #TECHVISION2019 It is time for technology strategies that bring The company’s knowledge graph approach allows the knowledge management into the human+ era. With the AI system to reason about expected performance or right approach, companies can redefine the phrase understand how and why components fail. The system “institutional knowledge,” making it a true responsibility not only captures current knowledge but gives workers of the organization itself. a powerful way to examine larger insights. The company itself is becoming a learning organization A major oil and gas company was losing critical through its technology. industry knowledge as its corrosion engineers reached retirement. Even in the case of planned departures, In conjunction with expert-finding solutions like with time available to capture the necessary Swisscom’s “Ask the Brain,” companies can incorporate knowledge, the company struggled to record and these new approaches to organizational knowledge to disseminate the workers’ insights. In response, the get back in sync with the capabilities of their human+ organization adopted a knowledge platform with workers. Enabling employees to query quickly both natural language processing capabilities, indexing their colleagues and the company’s technologies not unstructured data sources like refinery incident reports only empowers the human+ worker, it adds yet another 21 to collect knowledge and insights from workers. The piece to the plus. platform aggregates the information into a single location, making it available to all of the company’s corrosion engineers. Another leading oil and gas company has gone a step further, incorporating knowledge graphs to gather dynamic information about oil well design and operation. Developed by Accenture Labs, the system automatically scans data and extracts information on components, the supply chain, compliance questions, and the company’s workers. The knowledge graph models a human expert’s knowledge, which the system automatically updates through a combination of AI and natural language processing. 55 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US