Introduction THE POST-DIGITAL #TECHVISION2019 FUTURE Just as people no longer say they live in the “age of electricity,” the days of calling something digital to insinuate that it is new and innovative are numbered� The word is already passé in the consumer space. Soon, it will be the same for enterprise. There is no need to say you are a “digital business.” If you’re still in business, investing in digital is understood. What does “post-digital” mean for companies? Doubling down on completing their digital transformations to get the most value from those investments—and at the same time, turning a strategic eye toward what’s next. By moving the company’s focus to targets of opportunity, finding a place among the ecosystems of the post-digital era, and mastering digital investments with an eye toward the post-digital future, leaders will position themselves for success for years to come. Your digitized organization will be the foundation from which you drive all future innovation. It’s a tall order; thanks to the power of digital now and post-digital next, the next era will be one of massive customer, employee, and societal expectations. Fortunately, it’s an era of equally tremendous possibility: to deliver for any moment in any reality. 12 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US