Introduction #TECHVISION2019 A PARALLEL TRANSFORMATION Companies have not been alone on their journey to about which technologies they will or won’t adopt to Post-digital markets are made up of consumers, digital transformation. People have been on a parallel get the experiences they want. Companies must pay business partners, and governments alike enjoying path, incorporating new technologies at an close attention not only to the choices themselves, the spoils of the digital revolution. Fully on- increasingly rapid rate. When mobile phones were but also to the powerful new insights those choices demand or fully customized products are now the first introduced, they took 12 years to reach 50 million can provide about their customers—and about new standard in practically every industry, and sooner users; the internet took just seven to get to the same market opportunities. than later, customers will expect every 6 point. Looking at purely digital technologies, the organization to achieve both. rates become frantic: Facebook reached 50 million Post-digital workers are incorporating technology to users in four years; WeChat, one year. Pokémon GO, complete tasks in new ways, in new types of jobs, but This is not to say digital is old or over. Far from it. the augmented-reality gaming app from Niantic? they are still being hired, trained, and managed in Companies have used the power of digital Nineteen days. pre-digital ways. With the war for talent continuing to transformation to shape themselves, to shape rage, companies must adapt their technology customers and employees, and then to shape People are adopting new technology both quickly strategies to close the divide between themselves people’s expectations. What’s left is using their and completely, and whether they’re customers, and their digitally mature workforce. ongoing digital efforts to shape the market. employees, or even threat actors, they are beginning Companies face a world of renewed expectations to outpace enterprises in their digital transformations. Post-digital threat actors have nearly unlimited and core digital technologies are more critical than They are more knowledgeable about technology points of entry to enterprise. With a global army of ever. But the time for pilots and experimentation is itself and how companies use it, and are becoming connected devices ready to be pressed into service, long past, and leaders must begin to strategize for selective and demanding of what they adopt, and an attack surface that includes not only the what’s next. challenging companies to work with them or adapt to target company but every partner and vendor in the them in different ways. company’s ecosystem, they have the clear advantage. Businesses must respond to this post- Post-digital consumers are enjoying the results of digital threat with a collaborative approach, technology saturation. In a world of unprecedented recognizing that they are not just potential victims, technology choice, people have strong sentiments but someone else’s vector. 77 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US