Trend 1 DARQ POWER #TECHVISION2019 DECISION POINTS How are you adding • Approach hiring, training, and employee retention 3 DARQ skills to your with DARQ in mind. As the technologies become more pervasive, expertise will be increasingly in- current workforce? demand. As recruiting DARQ talent becomes more competitive, consider training programs to reskill your current employees and incentivize them to stay. How can you use • DARQ technologies have the potential to transform • Steer your industry toward your company’s 4 DARQ to shape the whole industries from the ground up. Start a future- preferred future with strategic combinations of looking program dedicated to scenario planning. DARQ technologies. Evaluate each combination, future of your Task the team with exploring different possible taking into account what can be implemented today industry? futures for your organization, driven by the industry- and what capabilities they will enable as they level impact of DARQ. mature. Use this information as you build your overall DARQ strategy. 28 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US