Trend 4 SECURE US TO SECURE ME #TECHVISION2019 BUILDING A MORE RESILIENT FUTURE In concert with their technology efforts, To manage their risk in this ever-changing environment, companies will have to companies must also evolve their approach to create governance models and policies specifically with these challenges in mind. One-off measures that are negotiated each time a new partner is governance as ecosystem-driven business introduced are inadequate; comprehensive models and policies must ensure that expands. Ecosystems are inherently in flux; the partners and third parties joining the company’s ecosystems adhere to the companies never know who they will be partnering same standard of security—or higher—that they set for themselves. with tomorrow—or whose vulnerabilities will be To begin creating ecosystem-level standards and governance, enterprises should look not just to their partners, but also their broader industry to collaborate. Other putting them at risk� companies, even competitors, are likely to be facing the same challenges, and have opportunities to build solutions that make it safer for every company to conduct business. Take the Vendor Security Alliance, a non-profit organization that will assess, qualify, and audit technology vendors based on a standardized set of security principles.28 The founding partners of this organization were major technology companies like Uber, Square, Palantir, and others that all recognized they are drawing from the same well of vendors. Rather than each company needing to audit individually or blindly trust their vendors, the non-profit created 67 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US