Trend 3 HUMAN+ WORKER #TECHVISION2019 APPLYING TECHNOLOGY TO COMPENSATION AND SALARY NEGOTIATION As organizations evolve their strategies for recruitment and hiring, they must also review their approach to compensation. Even as work becomes more democratized and career journeys more fluid, challenges like gender pay gaps persist. Numerous studies demonstrate that these pay gaps begin before a candidate even interviews for a job, with gender bias in job postings. AI-driven tools can help identify and correct biases related to gender, race, disabilities or age, beginning to even the playing field. The mobility of human+ workers requires a new approach to salary negotiation throughout career journeys as well. Before the digital revolution, workers might only change jobs a few times in a career and were less likely to cross between industries or areas of expertise. That stability and familiarity with a specific area would give them a reasonable idea of fair compensation for their current skills and potential. Now, with workers constantly evolving their skills and moving rapidly between roles, ensuring that compensation is fair and consistently negotiated is essential. Companies can offer tech-driven pay equity awareness, comparing proposed wages against industry averages, so that both applicants and hiring managers have visibility into any potential discrepancies. 50 TECHNOLOGY VISION 2019 THE POST-DIGITAL ERA IS UPON US